Financial Services
Assertive decisions are made based on data, reason why, UHY offers various services in information analysis and financial planning as well as strategies and operating processes to generate a leap in the business, applicable at decisive moments or to improve management, whichever the objective. It is important to have defined growth goals adjusted to the current […]
We know that the direct hiring of couriers entails a series of fixed costs for your company, such as payment of salaries, social security, insurance policies, among others. UHY makes the Courier service available to its clients, which will allow them to minimize costs in time and movement, as we will take care of: Carry out […]
Special Proxy
By granting power of attorney to UHY to represent the organization in the framework of its economic activity, our clients will be able to optimize response time and procedures. We act as proxies for purposes of: Tax filing. Procedures before the DIAN or before the Secretaries of Finance. Procedures for personnel hiring processes. Affiliations to […]
Fiscal Addres
In Colombia there is an obligation to have a fiscal and commercial address, for this reason, UHY provides this service in which qualified personnel will immediately receive and notify about the correspondence received. UHY can act as a fiscal and commercial domicile for its clients in Colombia, providing peace of mind since they will permanently […]
Our optimal purchasing process guarantees conditions with lower risks in the negotiations in terms of price, service quality, compliance in the deliveries, and in general, best practices with suppliers. In that sense, we will be in charge of: Understanding the need for the purchase. Estanlishment of the goal to be reached with the acquisition of […]
Accounts Receivable
Accelerating the collection process while maintaining an optimal relationship with the client is UHY’s objective, this allows the administration to keep and improve the cash flow, but above all, to have a positive impact in other areas meshing with this division. Therefore, we cover: Structuring of the collection process. Development of portfolio policies. Collection of […]
We optimally carry out the processing, follow-up and control in each invoice process. We facilitate the articulation of the billing process with the other areas within the organization thanks to our professionals’ experience, to this end we deal with the preparation, issuance, review and control of: Invoices Service and/or purchase orders
Our goal is to manage monetary resources in the most efficient, transparent and ethical way, to deliver on the commitments of the business, reason why, we support them throughout the process in activities such as: Improvement of the implemented processes. Structuring of these processes. Consolidation of treasury policies in unison with the administration and application […]